How to: manage and live with Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a condition which causes increased sugar levels in your blood. This is caused by insulin resistance or the pancreas not producing enough insulin. It is estimated that if current trends continue, more than 5 million people will be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes by the year 2025.

We know being diagnosed with diabetes can be scary and have an effect on aspects of everyday life. Here are some steps you can take to help manage your type 2 diabetes effectively.

Tips for managing type 2 diabetes

Get Active

Adding exercise to your daily routine and trying to keep a healthy diet can go a long way in helping you manage your blood sugar levels. We know not everyone likes the idea of going to the gym,but anything that gets you moving can be beneficial.

The seemingly little things like taking the stairs instead of the lift or activities such as gardening or housework all count. Other great options include cycling, swimming and yoga. This is a good opportunity to explore what is available locally.

Speak to your healthcare professional about what type of activities might be best to help you manage your type 2 diabetes.

Make healthy diet choices

Reducing your sugar intake can be a pretty difficult task. However, there are some small changes you can take on your journey to make this more manageable.

You can try swapping high-calorie, sugary drinks for water or even low or zero calorie versions. Try to find healthier snack alternatives such as unsalted nuts and seeds or fruit and veg.

Reducing alcohol intake can also help, as well as avoiding drinking on an empty stomach. Both will keep your blood sugar levels steadier.

Take prescribed medication correctly

If you have been put on medication by your doctor to help manage your diabetes, then it is key that you take it as the prescriber intended.

There are a variety of medications that help treat diabetes, with metformin being the most frequently prescribed. Other common medications can include, gliclazide, alogliptin, empagloflozin amongst others.

If you have any questions about your medication you can always speak to your doctor or pharmacist.

Have regular health checks

Alongside your blood glucose tests, you should speak to your doctor about regular health checks. Things to consider include blood pressure, cholesterol levels, foot and leg screening and an eye check.

It is also recommended that you get your free NHS flu jab, available from most pharmacies and GP surgeries during the flu season.

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