Have a question? It may be answered already in our FAQ section.

A hand holding a smartphone
A person's hands using a smartphone


Find out how to get in touch with us.

A close-up of a red post box


Information about how we package and deliver your order.

A doctor wearing a white coat and stethoscope, using a smartphone

GP queries

Information about how we work with your GP.

The hands of a pharmacist in a white coat, holding many pill bottles and phials


Information about our pharmacy registration. 

A person in jeans and a jumper sits at a table, using a laptop

Your account and registration

All about registering and managing your account.

Several blister packs of different kinds of pills

Your order

Information about ordering, including re-ordering, and cancelling orders.


Mon to Fri - 8am - 7pm
Sat - 9am-5pm
Sun - 10am - 5pm